Friday, May 18, 2007

What a week!

Wow its been a crazy week. Work has had SOMETHING happen all week. Yesterday they installed new touch screen computers in Customer Service and changed the MoneyGram and Money Order machines in Money Center. Both changes have made the times go VERY slow now, and we were slammed all day in both places, because it was pay day. What a day to screw up the systems! Can't wait to see what happens today.

I also found out we're not making bonus this month. All quarter we've heard "Sales are up, sales are up" and now supposedly we didn't make sales so we're not getting our bonus. This new quarterly plan may end up costing us our bonuses rather than helping us out. Sounds about right.

The new CSM position opened up on the computer yesterday, and I put in for it. I also put in for CSM positions, Money Center and Customer Service positions, in stores in Picayune, Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Wiggins, Bogalusa, and the other Slidell store. I feel like I'm being wasted and underpaid, and yes, to toot my own horn here, I'm WORTH it. I'm really good with the customers and I'm super fast with everything I do. This new computer change in Money Center threw all of us for a loop, but I'm not bragging when I say that I've caught on to it the easiest and the fastest, and a couple of the other ladies are just really struggling with it. It'll be interesting to see what is said when I get there today (although I'm working Customer Service 1-10 tonight, I'm sure I'll end up in MC some too).

Tomorrow will be rough...I open Money Center...which means I'll get home around 10:45-11:00 if all goes bed by 11:30 if I'm lucky...then I'll have to get up at 5:00 in order to be there to clock in by 6:45. I need to clock in early so I can set up the drawers and call for my loan. Otherwise I'll never be open and ready to go by 7:00.

Who knew that I'd find my niche at Wal-Mart? Seriously. I'm pretty talented, fairly well-educated, and definitely intelligent...and I'm a cashier at Wal-Mart. Yet there are aspects to this job that give me immense enjoyment. I also see ways to improve operations, and hope that I'll be in the position soon to be able to have my input really mean something. I could see myself going somewhere with WM and moving on up into different positions. I still don't think I want to go into salaried management though. I did really well as a salaried manager in restaurants, but I was also in peak health. Now...everything's changed. Cancer...the gift that keeps on giving.

I need to remember all I have to be grateful for and stop dwelling in the past. I'll never run again...I'll never be active again like I was...I just need to accept that and move on. There are other things in life, and I really am grateful that God chose to extend mine.

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