Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Yep, he was mad!

The subject says it all. It did NOT go well. Actually, I guess it did go ok. He's mad that I went behind his back, but I got tired of begging. Its my house too, and dangit, I'm NOT like I was last year before my surgeries, and he knows that. I deserve another chance...shoot screw the other chance...he threw my kitten outside when he thought I was not going to come home from the hospital. If you want to get technical, he owes me another cat.

However, I don't like thinking that way anymore. The past is past. I need a cat. I'm a cat lover, and I've ALWAYS had a cat to help comfort me. There are times when I can't talk to anyone, and my cats have always understand. Alright, I know they didn't UNDERSTAND...but they comforted me regardless. didn't go great...but it sure as heck could have went a lot worse...I told him as soon as she's used to us I'll put her outside, but I'm hoping I can talk him around to letting her stay inside as long as I keep her litter box and feeding areas clean. I can hope, right?

Newest Addition to our Family

We haven't picked a name fact I put up a poll on my board because there is a fierce debate raging between the kids and me right now. Justin doesn't know that we have fact our last conversation was not too positive...but I'm hoping I can work him around. If worst comes to to worst, she can go outside once she's used to us...but I really don't want to lose another animal to the hopefully I can convince him, AND live up to my end of the bargain.

So anyway, I'll update as soon as a name is chosen!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just Gotta Vent

OK, so I haven't posted since Thursday, and now all I'm going to do is vent. No, I don't like to post about bad things all the time, but I'm so tired, and so frustrated.

Work was just awful last week. Well, nothing really *that* bad...but I wasn't feeling 100% by any means, and my attitude suffered for it. On Thursday, all hell broke loose in the Money Center (I may have posted about it, not sure)...and it was very stressful and while I handled it at the time, I was PISSED at the way management completely abandoned me to it. Sure I handled it ok, but that's not the point. They walked away and refused to even try to help.

Friday I got fussed at in front of customers and other associates for something I did NOT do. Jackie and I were having a conversation in Customer Service, and I mentioned that I had to talk to the CSM's because I was on track to have 3.5 hours of overtime. All week, I tried to cut out of work early, and instead I was kept late due to the business of Money Center and the understaffing. CSM's kept me over. I started clocking in only 1-3 min early rather than the 15 min I usually clock in early in order to try to compensate for it, and took some longer lunches (an hour and 15 min instead of just an hour). Leroy, a dept. manager, overhears and jumps on the radio calling management into it. Management fussed at the CSMs, and the CSM on the book jumped my case for a)not going to them first and b)having overtime. Umm...*I* didn't go to management, LEROY DID. *I* didn't intend to have overtime, they kept forgetting about me and not relieving me and asking me to stay over, with me telling them the entire time that if I did, I'd have overtime. Still, I managed to keep my cool, but then walked to another CSM and told him I was quitting. He calmed me down and then I was fine. It takes a lot to set me off, but when I get set off, its something small that does it to me. Anyway, rather than let me go home early, they forced me to take a 3 hour lunch. That is so WRONG. Its just not right! I did it because I need my job, but I was pissed.

So anyway. Thursday, I officially got the Money Center job offer, and I accepted it, never realizing I was shooting my CSM ambition in the foot. I even told the manager doing the paper work that I was put in for CSM and how I wanted to make sure I did everything by the book. NEVER did he tell me that accepting the Money Center job offer kicked me out of any other job offers for 6 months. GAHHHH. That's why I want to vent today. I bust my ass for them, and this is how I'm repaid. True, working in Money Center, no one sees my performance...not really. And we have a lot of down time over there, where they walk by and see us standing around talking or something. But there are many, MANY other times where we don't have time to take a break or a lunch because we're so it really makes up for it in those areas.

I don't know now if I want CSM. I'm getting pretty jaded on the whole process. If God doesn't want me to be a CSM, fine, but let me know rather than just throwing stumbling blocks in my path, please! Ok that's wrong but I'm just frustrated. I work really hard and I give my customers my best. I don't snap at them, I'm polite to them, and I take a lot of CRAP from them, and I suppose I just want to be rewarded for that. But ya know what...CSMs take even more crap so maybe its best for me to just stay in MC...especially since the chronic pain is really no better and I'm still not sure how long I can keep going.

OK venting is over...I feel better even though I'm sure I didn't make much sense.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Its here!!!

My new camera that is!!! The battery pack is plugged in to charge, and Justin is helping me dig through the huge manuals and such. My niece is really into photography, and her graduation party is Monday, so I'm going to take my camera then and see if she can help give me some pointers.

I have hummingbirds least 3 of them. I REALLY want to be able to zoom in on them feeding and get some clear pictures...some good quality pictures. Oh I'm so EXCITED!!!

Why do battery packs have to take so long to charge? *sigh*

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Security of Our Borders

I'm really really tired, so won't get into this very much and most likely won't make a lick of sense...but here goes.

I was on my way home today, and while listening to the radio, one of my favorite "drive time" talk shows was on...Matt Friederman on WAOY, the Christian Radio station in the AFR network in Mississippi. They were talking about our security, our borders, illegal immigrants, and amnesty.

Playing off a few of their comments, I really started thinking about my experiences with immigrants lately. Working in the Money Center, MOST of my customers who wire money speak little to no English. I've seriously considered attempting to learn Spanish just so I can communicate with them a little more effectively.

So anyway. Just a few short months ago, I was of the opinion that we didn't need immigration, that it harmed us...took jobs...etc. Now...I don't see things quite so black and white. I can see more pros than cons...I like the idea of someone coming to my country to make a living for their family, or to better their lives...I don't like to think of anyone living in poverty or neglect. But...all Mexicans, for instance, can't be living in terrible conditions...can they? I mean...come it just the lure of more money? I can understand that.

Amnesty. I think IF Amnesty is given, the people applying should have NO advantages over new applicants for visas. Maybe the answer can be to give out a HUGE number of visas and student visas...but really attempt to document these guys. Shutting the border may not be the best option after all...but can we really afford to do anything else? If we allowed "anyone" to live and work in our country as long as they were well-documented, I'm sure that more terrorists would leak through. I'm not naive though...I think we have a huge risk from people who have immigrated here years, even decades ago...gained citizenship, and now are working deep cover.

When I worry about my country's security, it isn't hispanics I'm worried isn't any *specific* country...its the fear of the unknown slipping through our very open borders. What worries me almost as much is the fear of becoming completely shut down...much like the Iron Curtain during the Cold War. Very difficult to traven into our country...difficult to travel out of it as well.

We're a country founded on we want to lose even more of our freedoms? I WANT us to be secure...I want us to be safe...I do not want my safe haven to be behind concrete and steel walls however.

What is the solution? IS there a solution?

Total Cop Out

No, nothing to do with the police this time. I'm too exhausted to try to be creative tonight. I worked in ladies' wear most of the day today, and I'm sore and worn out.

I'm not sure if I'm going to even get an interview for CSM...the computer may still be giving me fits in regards to getting my name on the interview list. At this point I don't care so much really...I need to get my payraise for Money Center finalized first...I don't want to get the CSM position (and subsequent pay raise) until I get the other raise. So...I can be patient.

Just to kill time, a couple more blogthings: (Thanks Meg for this first one!)

Your Political Profile:

Overall: 65% Conservative, 35% Liberal

Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
WOW who knew??

You Should Get An Asian Inspired Tattoo

Mysterious and expressive
You like to show off, but you also like to keep some allure
Now how funny is this considering my post a couple weeks ago about wanting a dragon tattoo to cover my surgical scar??

You Are A Pine Tree

You love agreeable company, peace, and harmony.
Compassionate and friendly, you love to help others.
A natural poet, you have a very active imagination.
You are very soft on the inside - needing affection and reassurance.
You can fall in love deeply, but you will leave if you feel betrayed.
Oh this is soooo close to home! Especially the last part...and unfortunately it doesn't take much to make me feel betrayed, thanks to my paranoia!

Well, that's enough for now. I'll try to be more interesting and creative later. OOOH yeah, my new camera arrives tomorrow (got the compact flash card today)!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Electrifying Experience!!!

What a DAY!!! Today a registered sex offender was caught in the store, using his camera phone to take pictures up women's skirts. When cornered, he fought both security guys, and was two cops got involved, and still couldn't tip the scales (4 on 1 at this point). I'm assuming the guy was hyped up on something...I mean COME ON. Four guys?? So one cop pulls his taser gun out and the guy knocks it out of his hand...cop retrieves it, and tasers the took TWO hits before the guy could be subdued. Oh yeah, he was definitely on something.

You know, when I took this job, I had no idea that such crazy things happened on a regular basis. There's almost never a dull day at work. Still, I'm very glad this guy was caught...I guess you could say this was a success story :-)

Monday, May 21, 2007

New camera!

So I didn't exactly go all impulsive, but I did order a new digital camera today from Dell. I'm going to hate myself for it I'm sure. Its an Olympus E-volt E-500 with 2 lenses. I'm sure it'll take forever for me to even learn how to use it...but hopefully I'll be able to at least take somewhat decent pictures with it right away.

I shopped this decision for a couple weeks now, and I know that I should have waited. Gotta love the bipolar, eh?? I took my time looking, but when I found the one I "liked" I jumped on it, even though it was $150 more than what I'd intended to spend.

So now I have to hope that I enjoy it and don't regret the purchase. We'll see what we shall see.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

An attempt to divert myself...

Yeah, I'm in a ton o'pain this morning. I'm having to sit out of church, and that really bothers me. I'd much rather be in church with my family than on pain pills and in the recliner right now.

SOOOO in an attempt to divert myself, I've decided to do some more of those fun quizzes I ripped off from Kristina's blog yesterday. Of course, I only took 2-3 from her blog itself...the others I found from doing those, and liked them so put them here :)

Enjoy ;-)

You Are 78% American

You're as American as red meat and shooting ranges.
Tough and independent, you think big.
You love everything about the US, wrong or right.
And anyone who criticizes your home better not do it in front of you!

Wow, I would have thought I'd be 100% American, considering my patriotism and pride in my veteran status. Whoops!

You Are a Powdered Devil's Food Donut

A total sweetheart on the outside, you love to fool people with your innocent image.
On the inside you're a little darker, richer, and more complex.
You're a hedonist who demands more than one pleasure at a time.
Decadent and daring, you test the limits of human indulgence.


You Belong in Dublin

Friendly and down to earth, you want to enjoy Europe without snobbery or pretensions.
You're the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl... or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town.


You Are 79% Borderline

Many signs point toward you having a borderline personality.
It's probably a good idea to seek therapy. Or at least read a self help book.

Couldn't resist this one! Thank goodness I'm not 100% borderline LOL! Actually I have been diagnosed borderline, before I was diagnosed bipolar.

You Are Iceman

You tried to live a normal life, but it just wasn't possible
A bit of a slacker, you rather tell jokes than cultivate your powers

Powers: turning self and others into ice, making ice weapons, becoming nearly invisible

So much for my secret crush on Wolverine...

Your Life is Rated PG-13

Your life isn't totally scandalous, but you definitely don't shy away from adult themes!

Now if I'd had to take this back during my college/Army probably would have maxxed out the bad scale LOL

You've Changed 48% in 10 Years

You've done a good job changing with the times, but deep down, you're still the same person.
You're clothes, job, and friends may have changed some - but it hasn't changed you.

Glad to know I was as boring 10 years ago as I am now!

You Are a Life Blogger!

Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary.
If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible.

That's about right.

You Are Lightning

Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence

You are best known for: your power

Your dominant state: performing

How the HECK did they get that from MY answers?? (I do love lightning though)

You Are 48% Impulsive

You're quite impulsive, but you never are reckless.
You qualify as a very spontaneous person, but you still know how to honor your commitments.
And while responsibility doesn't come easy to you, having fun does!

OK, I can see that...although financially, I'm VERY impulsive and have a hard time not buying something I see and like.

Your Aura is Red

You have a high level of emotion. This can mean passion, but it can also mean rage.
Usually, you don't take these emotions out on others. You just use them as motivation - and it works!

The purpose of your life: embracing all the wonders of the life, lots of travels, and tons of adventures

Famous reds include: Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, Jennifer Lopez

Careers for you to try: Dancer, Boxer, Surgeon

Close enough...although I certainly never aspired to emulate Madonna :p

Your Hidden Talent

You have the power to persuade and influence others.
You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around.
The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it.
Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think!


You Are 16% Phobic

Wow, you're scared of very little. And you're always conquering new fears that come up.
Have you considered a career as a stunt double? You should at least go on one of those crazy reality shows where you eat bugs!

True, I didn't choose more than 3 or so...BUT I consider myself a very cowardly person in general LOL

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 10 out of 10 correct!

Wow. I could be a US citizen. Whoo hoo!

You Are 65% Addicted to Blogthings

You lead the pack when it comes to posting Blogthings.
And your friends (mostly) thank you for it.
It's cute that you insist on being called your Japanese name.
Just stop bragging about your IQ score!

Couldn't resist this one!!!

And that'll do it for this morning. I've totally wasted my free time. Usually by this time of the morning I'm well on my way to a new WoW level. Oh hunter will still be there later :)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Just some Saturday fun...

So I'm shamelessly stealing some cute things from other blogs today. Sue me. Seriously though, I thought my results were fun, and thought ya'll might like to play too :)

You Are Japanese Food

Strange yet delicious.
Contrary to popular belief, you're not always eaten raw.

LOL...ooook whatever...I'm not into ethnic foods AT ALL...although I DO enjoy eating at a certain Japanese steak house in Jackson, MS, whenever I can!

Your Attitude is Better than 60% of the Population

You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you.

Oddly enough, I always think I'm rather pessimistic. Guess that's the bipolar talking...

You Are a Believer

You definitely believe in God - and you're very unwavering in your religious beliefs.
In fact, religion and spirituality are definitely big parts of your life.
Religion shapes how you view right and wrong, as well as the decisions you make.
It's hard for you to imagine how your life would be without your beliefs.

No surprise there!!!

You Are 44% Brutally Honest

Honesty is important to you, but generally, you try not to be brutal about it.
You'll sugar coat the truth when you need to... and tell a white lie when necessary.

I don't like to hurt feelings, that's for sure, but I will tell people I care about what I'm thinking...

You Are 45% Normal

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

Yeah...I'm not normal!

You've Experienced 84% of Life

You have an amazing amount of life experience. In fact, you've seen and done more than most people.
So congratulate yourself on what you've done so far. The future is only going to be more of the same!

It ain't the years honey, its the mileage!!!

Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Spiderman

"I have always been standing in your doorway. Isn't it about time somebody saved your life?"

OK I guess this one is kinda cool...although I definitely don't look as good in a wet t-shirt as she did!!!

You Are 45% Redneck

The wheels still turning, but the hamster's dead.
You're just fakin' bein' a redneck.

ROFL...Guess I'm not as bad as I thought I was!!

You Are Not Destined to Rule the World

You are destined for something else...
Like inventing a new type of cupcake.
You just don't have the stomach for brutality.
But watch out - because many people do!

That's me...Queen of the Cupcakes!!

You Are a Conservative Democrat

Frankly, the way most other Democrats behave embarasses you greatly.
You pride yourself on a high level of morals, and you have a good grasp on right and wrong.
It's likely you think America needs to get back to its conservative, Juedo-Christian values.
Why aren't you a Republican then? Because you believe the goverment helps more than hurts.

OK, the Conservative I get...but Democrat? Ok maybe...probably cause of my answer on the Pot question...

Well that's enough for now...I could easily be here answering these all day (considering I've been playing for about 3 hours straight now!!!)

Friday, May 18, 2007

What a week!

Wow its been a crazy week. Work has had SOMETHING happen all week. Yesterday they installed new touch screen computers in Customer Service and changed the MoneyGram and Money Order machines in Money Center. Both changes have made the times go VERY slow now, and we were slammed all day in both places, because it was pay day. What a day to screw up the systems! Can't wait to see what happens today.

I also found out we're not making bonus this month. All quarter we've heard "Sales are up, sales are up" and now supposedly we didn't make sales so we're not getting our bonus. This new quarterly plan may end up costing us our bonuses rather than helping us out. Sounds about right.

The new CSM position opened up on the computer yesterday, and I put in for it. I also put in for CSM positions, Money Center and Customer Service positions, in stores in Picayune, Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Wiggins, Bogalusa, and the other Slidell store. I feel like I'm being wasted and underpaid, and yes, to toot my own horn here, I'm WORTH it. I'm really good with the customers and I'm super fast with everything I do. This new computer change in Money Center threw all of us for a loop, but I'm not bragging when I say that I've caught on to it the easiest and the fastest, and a couple of the other ladies are just really struggling with it. It'll be interesting to see what is said when I get there today (although I'm working Customer Service 1-10 tonight, I'm sure I'll end up in MC some too).

Tomorrow will be rough...I open Money Center...which means I'll get home around 10:45-11:00 if all goes bed by 11:30 if I'm lucky...then I'll have to get up at 5:00 in order to be there to clock in by 6:45. I need to clock in early so I can set up the drawers and call for my loan. Otherwise I'll never be open and ready to go by 7:00.

Who knew that I'd find my niche at Wal-Mart? Seriously. I'm pretty talented, fairly well-educated, and definitely intelligent...and I'm a cashier at Wal-Mart. Yet there are aspects to this job that give me immense enjoyment. I also see ways to improve operations, and hope that I'll be in the position soon to be able to have my input really mean something. I could see myself going somewhere with WM and moving on up into different positions. I still don't think I want to go into salaried management though. I did really well as a salaried manager in restaurants, but I was also in peak health. Now...everything's changed. Cancer...the gift that keeps on giving.

I need to remember all I have to be grateful for and stop dwelling in the past. I'll never run again...I'll never be active again like I was...I just need to accept that and move on. There are other things in life, and I really am grateful that God chose to extend mine.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lions and Tigers and Bears...OH MY!

OK well not quite. But, the last couple days at work have been interesting, to say the least.

Yesterday I was in Money Center, and I jumped onto a register to help out because we were shorthanded and lines were backing up. I thought I smelled something, and then was sure I did, and then the fire alarm went off. My customer was mad because I wouldn't let her check out and instead ushered her out of the store. We had a lot of people trying to take fully-loaded shopping carts out of the store..."But I NEED this stuff!"...without paying for it. This all happened right before I was to clock out for lunch, so I was fortunate...I basically got an hour and 45 minute lunch break. Several fire trucks came, and we saw our store manager up on the roof (and yes, there were a few shouts of "Jump!" from some wisecrackers). The situation? An A/C unit on the roof started burning its coil. Even though there was no actual fire, the customer service and accounting offices filled with smoke, and the fumes were bad enough that my breathing suffered the rest of the day. Apparently last night, the A/C unit caught on fire, according to the night crew I talked to when I came in this morning. I guess the management didn't learn its lesson from yesterday's "drill".

This morning I came in, and the power was out all over the street lights, no traffic signals, nothing. Our store was closed, but employees were still working. The freezers and coolers were wrapped in plastic to help preserve the food, and they were just about to call a refrigerated truck when the power came back on. It was off about 3 1/2 hours. Not sure what exactly happened there.

A couple hours after the store got power back, the grocery side door greeter had a heart attack. I haven't gotten any more info on her...and I sure hope she's ok. She's really nice.

After THAT our MoneyGram and Money Order system in our registers started malfunctioning, and we couldn't do those for a few hours. We had QUITE A FEW upset customers over that one, let me tell you.

I wonder what excitement I'll find when I go in at 5:30 in the morning...its never a dull day at Wal-Mart!

Monday, May 14, 2007

These times we live in...

This may get deep...then again it may not. I'm not that talented after all lol.

Many of you who read this blog are my friends, and thus know a bit about my life. However, in the rare event there is someone out there reading who does NOT know me (lucky you!), I'll touch on a couple of points relevant to this post.

1)I'm a Christian
2)I'm a Conservative (duh)
3)I'm an Army veteran, and was deployed in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and (briefly) Iraq during the first Gulf War
4)My stepson (from my first marriage) is currently a soldier serving in Baghdad (please pray for Daniel)

Today, while working in the Money Center, I had a customer with an accent come in and request the form to send a money transfer. He only spoke a few words, so I only caught the briefest hint of an accent...certainly not enough to place that accent. I assumed he was hispanic by his coloring, and he laughed at that and said most people thought that, and that it was preferable to the hatred he expects to encounter. I looked at him questioningly, and he told me he was an Arab. "Asalam allaikum" (I know, I butchered that spelling) I then told him. His expression brightened, and he returned the greeting. I told him that while I was stationed overseas in the first Gulf War, I spoke almost fluent Arabic, but because I hadn't used it in 16 years, I'd lost all but a couple phrases.

As the transaction was concluded, he brought up the war in Iraq. I knew I was treading on dangerous ground, but told him about Daniel, and how worried I am because of the recent ambush and kidnappings. His responses really made me look at this situation in a different light. He said that probably 90% of the Arab world (he was Egyptian by the way) was 100% on our side about the removal of Saddam and the termination of his regime. However, they want us to leave NOW. THEY feel like the US came in not to oust Saddam, but to stay, to make ourselves benefit from the rich Iraqi oilfields. He also said that his heart bled on September 11, but that he came to America because he desired to, he was lured by the freedoms and the promises. He said that he would love to stay here, but as soon as he makes enough money to pay his children's ways through university, he's going back "home" because he feels safer there. His eyes teared up as he talked about my great country. His love for his adopted country (he's a naturalized citizen by the way) was very evident to me.

Why do I mention this? Why do I think it deserves its own post on a blog that is really nothing more than a glorified diary of an ordinary redneck woman's life?

When the first bombs fell on Baghdad back in 2003, I looked at my husband, with tears in my eyes, and said "This is the worst mistake Bush will ever make." I spent 9 months in that region. I learned the language fluently enough that I was able to converse with civilians EVERYWHERE I went. I feel like I have a basic understanding of the culture and the mentality over there. I feel like we're in a war we can't win because its a Holy Jihad situation, and heck, who can compete with a gaggle of virgins at Allah's side?? I firmly believed that the resistance would never end, and pulling out now would be a huge mistake.

Part of me still feels that way. Another part of me now questions more than I did when I woke up this morning. This guy asked how I'd feel if a Muslim came into my neighborhood, killed the snakes that were infesting it, and then refused to leave, and tried to convert everyone to Islam? He said I'd be thrilled that the snakes were gone, but would resent being "encouraged" to change my religion, my culture, my daily life. You know what? He's sure as heck right. I never was convinced that Iraq could operate as a "true democracy"...but then America isn't a TRUE democracy.

This guy (I won't name him) and I talked for almost an hour, in between customers and while I swept and gathered the trash. I truly enjoyed the conversation. We talked about American fears, Arabic fears, the changes that have been made, and changes that probably should be made. He understands the need to secure our borders, and even for racial profiling. What he hates is the contempt and fear he's presented with on a daily basis. He doesn't hate America...but listening to our news and politicians, as well as the foreign media and political figures, he truly believes that America is in Iraq for...OIL. He thinks America will never leave, because of OIL. Oh I'm sure the oil plays a part...I'm not naive. If we leave however and the country falls into worse chaos, the oil prices WILL suffer. Iraq has a huge supply of the stuff. I do want to believe though that oil is not the only reason we're there.

He also said that we could pull out tomorrow, and a large percentage of the population fighting against us in Iraq WILL come here to continue the fight. That's the Holy Jihad part. He agreed that we're in a difficult situation. He appeared truly saddened by this fact.

This man has me today. I see a different element to the fighting...and its justified my thoughts that we're better off "fighting them over there than here at home." Its reinforced in my mind that this is truly a case of having no way out. Its no longer a case of "crazy Islamic extremists" in my mind...its more a case of hard-working, decent people trying to defend their "neighborhood" and their traditions and error, in my opinion, but when you look at what the media is putting out there, can you truly blame them for their misconceptions?

He sends money regularly, so I'm sure I'll see him again, and I look forward to the discussion. I'll continue to pray for our soldiers and the Iraq situation, and fervently pray that a "good" solution will become evident. I know that God does things in HIS time, not ours, and that there are reasons behind the events of the day. I endeavor to wait on Him...but it sure is hard to do for an impulsive, impatient crackpot like me :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Its all good

All is forgiven. Justin bought me the patio set to match the swing he bought me for my birthday. I really wasn't expecting it, but was wanting it, and he went and got it for me today! If I can find pictures I'm going to throw them up...we got the set from Wal-Mart but apparently it isn't available online so I'm having difficulty getting a good picture up.

My porch looks so nice now...well except for the deep freezer...but until we get a roof on the back porch, the freezer will remain on the front porch for now. We got it in February, and we put it on the porch since the last one went out fairly quickly when it was only slightly protected from the elements.

We're going to cookout tonight...and when we went to get the patio set, I bought a sprinkler too...Jared wasted no time "installing" it under the trampoline, and the kids are in their bathing suits, jumping on the trampoline in the sprinkler. Yes, its the poor man's swimming pool!

It's my own fault

I know better...I really do. After 7 years together, I SHOULD know better at any rate. Its so hard to read Justin sometimes. If I try to plan something special, or specifically ask for something, he gets upset because I don't let him surprise me. If I'm subtle about it, then he misses the point completely, and gets upset because I expect him to be psychic.

I don't want to whine, or moan, or complain, I really don't. I have a great many things to be thankful for. But I've spent the morning in tears, and I need an outlet. I've locked myself in the bathroom, and later in my van, so I could cry without anyone seeing or hearing. I had myself a good old fashioned screaming crying jag out in the van because no one could hear me, and it did make me feel better. I've probably needed to really "lose" it for a very long time. I don't think I've LOST it since before my surgery and all that ordeal last year. I still didn't completely lose it, as the kids were jumping on the trampoline and Jared realized I was in the van and came over, so I had to dry it up fast. You know, I need to go off by myself I think and just scream for a while.

I have today and tomorrow off. I requested this weekend off way back at Christmas to ensure I'd get it. All week I've asked Justin what he'd like to do. I told him what *I* wanted to do and then dropped it at that so that I wouldn't be TELLING him what we were GOING to do since he hates that most of the time. Apparently this time, he wanted me to write it on a 2x4 and whack him upside the head with it. He's upset with me that he "failed" me and didn't plan anything. He got really upset when I told him that all week, I felt like he was being deliberately obtuse (I'm sure he has no good idea what that word means) about the weekend, and I felt like he was being that way in order to surprise me. BOY was I wrong. I told him in a nice way (for me) and he stormed off to the back of the trailer, saying "I had something for you Kandy, but its for YOU not everyone!" and I was starting to cook breakfast, and I just lost it, so I went out the back door, around the trailer, and got into my van and cried for a bit. Then I came back in and finished cooking (for them...they love French toast...I hate it) and realized he was scrubbing my tub. So now I know what he got me for Mother's Day. At least something from Bath and Body Works in the Moonlight Path scent since its my favorite. I'm sure its bubble bath, and maybe he got some shower gel for me too...who knows. I've been out of both for months and been using Walmart brands that I don't care for nearly as much. OK fine, I've asked and asked for it, so its good right?

Wrong. This is why I'm hating myself right now, and why I'm mad at him. My "gift" was the weekend off. I didn't want anything other than a card from him and the kids (and I had to TELL him to take the kids to buy cards for me yesterday). Mother's Day isn't a big day for me as far as gift-giving goes. Its just not a huge deal. Sure, I always try to get Mom something, and I always buy for Justin and Dad on Father's Day, but as far as *I* go, I just don't care too much. What I wanted this weekend was to spend the weekend with my family, but NOT at home. I wanted to get outside and do something. Set up the pool if its not leaking...go to Vicksburg...go to a water park...go to the beach. I hinted and hinted, and came right out and SAID what I wanted to do in Vicksburg. All to no avail. I didn't want a GIFT! I wanted...time.

So once again, Justin will do his laundry, and find something to do outside. When we were at Walmart last night, he made sure to buy a garden sprayer to work on the fence row. I'll sit inside and play on the computer a little, or go outside and lay on the swing and read. The kids will be off in their own little video game/DVD worlds. This is my fault. I don't have the energy to be creative around here, and I've been so depressed at home, I don't want to even try to be creative here at home. I wanted to go DO something. Nothing expensive...the trip to Vicksburg would have cost us gas and a loaf of bread and a bag of ice for the ice chest. I can't expect we'll go tomorrow because oh my, we just HAVE to go to church in the morning (not upset about that) and then we'll HAVE to have dinner at his mother's house. If I cook here, it'll upset her immensely...and she does help us out a ton by keeping Bekah for us.

I really didn't want to post anything sad or angry anytime soon...but I'm having a very bad day...and it really is my own fault.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


So I want a tattoo. Justin is livid. I've never *really* wanted a tattoo before. Since the surgeries last year though, I've really hated the way my scar looks. No one is ever going to SEE my scar except for doctors. Why NOT get a tattoo across it? I'm thinking of a dragon. I like dragons. Plus, I've heard that dragons are for protection. I definitely could use some added protection ;) I can't find a good picture that I like though. It'd have to be something PERFECT...something that I wouldn't regret the next day. I'm thinking purples and green...but I can be flexible.

To be honest, its probably just window shopping. Most likely I'd never be brave enough to actually do it...not to mention, I'm not even sure that tattooing over a scar like mine would be even possible.

I'm 37 years old and contemplating my first tattoo. Maybe its an early mid-life crisis type thing?

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Being a Mama

Yesterday was a bit of a rough day. I can't really go into detail about it, but I witnessed something I'd hoped not to see this summer. Two mothers left an infant and a toddler in a car, with the windows rolled up, doors locked, while they shopped for at LEAST an hour that we know of. They took an older child into the store with them. These babies were defenseless. Thankfully they're going to be ok, and the police took care of the negligent mamas.

Mother's Day is this weekend. I love my three children desperately. I can't imagine doing something that would hurt them, possibly kill them, yet so many people do. A child is the most precious gift we as mothers are given. We're BLESSED when we hold our baby for the first time, hear that first cry...see their first smile, their first steps, hear their first words. I don't understand how anyone could look at the child they've just given birth to, and doubt the existence of God and of miracles.

Motherhood is the most wonderful thing I've ever experienced. As I watch these little wonders grow and change daily before my very eyes, I'm continually reminded of the responsibility I bear, and the great joys that are yet to come.

I wish I could wax poetic and make some profound comments that would make you who read this stop, shake your head, and say "WOW..." Well...I can't. I'm not that good. I wish I could say I'm better in real life, but hey...I'm not that either LOL. All I know is that I love my children more than myself, and I had to keep checking them all night last night. Do moms ever stop getting up during the night to tuck their babies in and plant a soft kiss on their cheeks? I sure hope not.

Monday, May 07, 2007


Its times like today that I realize how incredibly fortunate I am to be not only a mother, but a mother to three beautiful, incredible kids.

MIL (mother in law) had Bekah for me this morning so I could try to sleep a little late...I picked her up a little while ago, and we drove into town to Sonic, where she proceeded to tell me exactly what she wanted to eat. We listed to the Phantom of the Opera movie soundtrack all the way into town. I had it in the CD player from working Saturday, and she didn't want me to put Jonah in, she wanted to listen to Phantom. The kid is definitely my child :)

We're home now, and she's on her pallet I made her in front of the TV, about to watch Happily Never After, and take her nap. She told me she was ready for her nap. She got out of the van all by herself and shut the door all by herself. She helped me make her pallet. She took her own shoes off and put them up. She hasn't stopped hugging and kissing me since I picked her up.

This is my youngest. She'll be 5 all too soon. Its bittersweet because she's my last...and it seems like she's growing up on me overnight. I'm watching her little personality grow and develop, and it just amazes me that I've had anything to do with these three amazing individuals.

Jared is 13 now. He's growing and changing before my eyes. He's still really small for his age, but he's growing in other ways. Its a real pleasure to sit and just TALK to him.

Katie is 11. Her little body is getting WAY too curvy for my comfort. Her bras are already larger than mine were as a senior in high school. She's BARELY taller than Jared now, but taller nonetheless...a fact she constantly reminds him of. She's also so smart it literally scares me.

Where did the time go? It seems like yesterday I was holding each of these tiny little babies in my arms, and now I can't pick them up.

My prayer is that I'm able to be a good influence on their lives, and that they grow up to be happy and successful in every endeavor. I'm grateful to still have the opportunity to watch them grow and develop. I'm so truly blessed...and when I think about my recent miscarriage and other troubles I can just look at Jared, Katie, and Rebekah and know that all is just as it should be.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

From the mouths of babes...

So I'm laying here on the bed, watching the SNL special that's on NBC tonight, and Jared goes to my bathroom to get q-tips and nail clippers. Adam Sandler is on the TV, and this is the conversation that ensues:

Jared: How old is Adam Sandler?
Me: Not sure, around my age I think.
J: 36?
M: I'm 37 son.
J: You look 36.
M: Dang son, you're SUPPOSED to say 29 or something!
J: You don't look THAT young!
M: You are GROUNDED for a MONTH!
J: Seriously Mama, you don't look any older than 30! You just don't look 29 is all!
M: Keep digging, keep digging.
J: Aw crap.

My firstborn son loves me sooooo much ...

ENOUGH of the Bad Times!

I was looking at my list of posts and realized that I have 36 (this makes 37) posts, and of that number, SEVENTEEN of them are labeled Bad Times. My life is NOT all pain and gloom and doom. OK well its not all gloom and doom anyway. I realized I tend to journal (and thus, blog) more when I'm hurting emotionally, but I need to journal when I'm not hurting as well. The "Hot pink robe and a dirt road" post for instance. That was a funny experience. I have fun/funny experiences all the time. I just need to remind myself to blog about them.

For instance, yesterday was Cinqo (spelling?) de Mayo...and we have a huge Mexican population in our area, so Wal-Mart had a lot of decorations and specialty items for it. Now apparently, Friday night, after I left, a very intoxicated Mexican decided he really wanted to celebrate early. He came running out of the bathroom singing something (another worker said she thought it was the Mexican National Anthem) at the top of his lungs and ran throughout the whole store...stark naked. Ya know, I would have loved to have seen the managers and CSMs and on-duty cop trying to catch him. Where exactly does one "grab" a naked drunk? He was finally cornered back in the garden center. I'm not sure what happened after that. I'm sad that I missed it.

I'm also making progress on the pain front. I got a notice in the mail that my surgeon was as good as his word, and got an appointment for me with a pain specialist at Ochsner. With any luck, I'll have a resolution or at least an improvement with my pain issues very soon.

OK I'm going to get very crude here and say something with a bad word, but I have to share this. When I went to Ochsner last week for my 3 month check up, it took 7 sticks to get an IV and 3 small vials of blood. I started tearing up after the first one, and the whole thing was just really emotional. During the process, the tech asked if I'd ever done drugs, because my veins were in such bad shape. I got sooo mad and explained, not very nicely, that I'd almost died from cancer and THAT was why my veins were shot, that I'd never so much as smoked pot thank you very much. My friend Jer said I should have asked her "Have you ever been a man in prison? Because your ass is flapping." I laughed SOOO hard. I swear, I'm going to remember that one. Yeah its crude and nasty but omg its hilarious, because its true. When people say idiotic, hurtful things like that, they ARE talking out of their ass, not their mouths. It made me feel better to know I have a good comeback now :)

I'm off work today and tomorrow. I'm going to make the most of it. Its probably the last time I'll have Sunday and Monday off since I opened up my availability, but its all good. Once the schedule starts rolling out, and I see how the trend is going to be for Money Center and Customer Service, I'm going to talk to Michelle about having my days off be together if at all possible. I need those two days together to recuperate. Having your days off spread out make it really hard to feel feels like you work all the time. I don't think it'll be a problem at all. I hope it isn't anyway!

So anyway. Enough bad times. I can do this. I'll especially be able to do this once I get back on my meds...which hopefully will be soon. In the meantime, I'll just keep plugging away :)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Definitely a YAY :)

Today I was told that Michelle wanted me to go to personnel and update my career preferences to include Money Center and Customer Service, so I did. After I did that, I was told that its official...I'm going to be full-time over there. I asked which one, and was told that since I'm one of the very few people who are "proficient" in both areas, that they're going to be using me in both. Hey, no problem, it'll keep me from getting bored. I'd better have an equal split of days and nights though. Its not going to be at ALL fair if I end up closing all the time. I'll deal with it of course, but that doesn't mean I'll like it.

So anyway. That's a great thing :) Next week I have 2 days scheduled in Customer Service, and I'm hoping that I can swing it to work in MC the other 3 days. If not, I'll deal with it. I like being a cashier anyway, and won't mind doing it once in a while. OH I'm so excited!! This is definitely a step in the right direction!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Maybe a YAY

I was in Money Center yesterday and again today. I'm supposed to be there tomorrow but I can't close (I have to go back to the doctor tomorrow afternoon). They also changed my schedule for the week after next so that I'm in MC most of the week. I really campaigned yesterday for full-time MC or a split between MC and CS, and today Carol (CSM) told me she thought Michelle (assistant manager in charge of the Front End) was going to make it permanent. Later today, Mary (floral manager) told me she'd asked Michelle this morning if she could have me again this week and next, since Mother's Day is coming up, and Michelle told her no, because I was being moved up to Money Center. Please please please let it be permanent!!! If I didn't have to worry about overdoing it physically every day, my life would be so much simpler...and in Money Center, there's NO heavy lifting whatsoever.

So maybe this is a yay :)