Sunday, May 06, 2007

From the mouths of babes...

So I'm laying here on the bed, watching the SNL special that's on NBC tonight, and Jared goes to my bathroom to get q-tips and nail clippers. Adam Sandler is on the TV, and this is the conversation that ensues:

Jared: How old is Adam Sandler?
Me: Not sure, around my age I think.
J: 36?
M: I'm 37 son.
J: You look 36.
M: Dang son, you're SUPPOSED to say 29 or something!
J: You don't look THAT young!
M: You are GROUNDED for a MONTH!
J: Seriously Mama, you don't look any older than 30! You just don't look 29 is all!
M: Keep digging, keep digging.
J: Aw crap.

My firstborn son loves me sooooo much ...

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