Friday, June 29, 2007


The title says it all. The procedure was not a rousing success, certainly not what I'd hoped. I'm still in a lot of pain abdominally, and now I can add back pain to the list. I also woke up with a migraine this morning...I think because once I get comfortable, I don't move again until I wake up due to the back and abdominal pain...and I think I slept wrong and got my neck out of whack. I'd go to the chiropractor, but well, I wouldn't be able to stand her touching my back. I'm screwed I guess.

Maybe it will gradually improve (the abdominal pain). My impression was that it would pretty much be instantaneous. I could be wrong.

On another note, I've been off work since Monday night. Tuesday was my scheduled day off, and I had Wednesday, yesterday, and today off due to this procedure. I'm supposed to go in and open tomorrow. I will definitely go in, but may have to sit down a lot, and they can kiss it if they say anything. When I'm there, I'm ALWAYS cleaning something, staying busy, doing whatever needs doing. I have a legitimate excuse to sit on my ass this time, and by golly they better not give me grief.

I am worried about work anyway...CSM was supposed to be announced this week, and I've been off since it closed. I hope I haven't shot myself in the foot. If I have, oh well, it really couldn't be helped, now could it? My manager told me to my face last week when we were fixing my schedule for this week that I was still her choice. So we shall see what we shall see.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Well its over...

the "surgery" that is. They used large needles (can't remember if I explained this or not) to anesthetize the nerves in the neural clusters on each side of my abdomen. Dr. Jolly isn't sure if it will help my spasms at all, although he's hopeful. The procedure itself went very quickly...about 30 minutes. I remember going into the procedure room, and I vaguely remember getting up on the table and laying down. Then la la land took over. When I woke up, and was aware that I was awake, Justin was next to my bed in the recovery room and was just so sweet and attentive. I think I'll keep him.

I'm wiped out...between not sleeping a wink last night (I got up and showered at 2:30 because I was still wide awake, and then played WoW until time for us to leave) and the drugs, I have no energy. He said if the block worked, I'll have diarrhea for a day or two, and will also have some low blood pressure issues. I'm very unsteady on my feet, but I'm ok.

So far I can't really tell a difference in my abdomen, but my back is KILLING me. It feels like I pulled several muscles, or someone punched me on each side of my spine. I'm sure by tomorrow that will be better.

So anyway, here's hoping and praying :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The cool...

yeah yeah I'm corny. Seriously though, the pool rocks :) ALL day I've wanted to go out and jump in, but Justin did all the work, and I didn't want to get in without him first. He walked through the door at 4:45 and said "What, you're not in the pool?" So we changed and out we went.

Its really nice, a lot bigger than we thought it'd be, and came with an included volleyball game. The net mounts on poles on each side, and the kids are going to LOVE it. They have NO IDEA that we got a pool, much less got it put up. Justin built a 19' square frame and filled it with sand, making sure it was levelled, and the whole set-up is just really nice.

And yes, we ended up skinny dipping in broad daylight. I was stunned that Justin was so risque, but hey, I rolled with it ;-)

Good Old Country Living...

Once again our phone line is having trouble. I can't connect faster than 24k, which means I can't play WoW. I just called the phone company, and sure enough, there's still trouble on the line. Every time lightning gets our line, they come out and fix it, and we have to call them back a day or two (or more) later and say "Guess what, its still not working properly." So now they say it'll be Thursday at the latest before its fixed. Joy.

I CAN play on the satellite, but its very laggy and difficult to do. I wanted to get Shelyna to level 52 dangit LOL. Oh well. I'll live. I suppose I could take my laptop with me in the morning and play at Ochsner on their free hi-speed wireless while I wait for my "surgery." We'll see what happens.

I would literally kill for DSL.

Monday, June 25, 2007

If you died right now...

would you got to Heaven or to Hell?

I'm reading "Left Behind" for the first time. I'm only 12 years behind the times there. Still, I'm about halfway through it and its very difficult to put it down. It reads a lot like John Grisham.

It scares the crap out of me.

God blessed me last year. He saved my life and gave me...not a second chance...but my umpteenth chance. I really started trying to turn my life around. I love God, I've accepted Jesus as my personal savior...I believe he was born of a virgin, walked in sinless perfection for 33 years on this earth, was persecuted and executed, and laid to rest in a tomb, only to rise from the dead in 3 days. I know that he died for our sins, and I've accepted this.

If the Rapture happened tomorrow...would I be taken? Or would I be left behind? I don't want to be left behind...but I'm not secure in my faith.

Please pray for me.


to kiss me once in a while??? To REALLY kiss me?? Sheesh.

I come home from work tonight, bone weary and very sore from many, MANY severe muscle spasms in my abdomen this evening. Justin was waiting up for me, or trying to (he passed out in the recliner). I went into the bedroom to change, and he came in and hugged me...REALLY hugged me. It was wonderful. He held me for several minutes, or so it felt...then pulled away, and pecked me on the lips, and walked away.

Um. Dude. A wonderful, incredibly comforting and romantic hug like that, and you end it with a PECK ON THE LIPS???? I'm not saying go tonsil-diving or anything, but COME ON. A lingering kiss isn't asking too much, is it?

We never kiss anymore, and it breaks my heart. A peck on the lips isn't kissing, its an absent-minded swipe at affection that may or may not still be going strong. Its what old married couples do, especially when they've had a few loveless years lately. I don't want to put my marriage into that category.

Would it kill him to sweep me off my feet once in a while? Probably no more than it'd kill me to get up early and cook breakfast for him again like I used to before going back to work. Dangit. I had to go and think rationally, didn't I? *sigh*

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Could be better...could be worse...

I don't know...I just haven't felt like keeping up with this lately. I'm so tired...hurting so much...and I honestly feel like I'm having a lot of trouble "keeping it all together."

Someone at work complained to management about something I supposedly did...and I didn't do it, but I kinda did...that doesn't make sense does it? Its against policy to make scheduling changes/arrangements with other associates off the clock...someone came in, we were talking, I mentioned I was having this procedure done next week and was worried about who would work my shifts, she said she was coming back, and I jokingly said "Oh well then you can cover it!" and she laughed and said sure, as soon as she came back she'd see what she could do. That was it. It turned into a story that I called her...and I don't even have her phone number!

My chest hurts so badly...its all from the abdominal troubles...please God, please let this procedure give me some relief. I'm afraid to get my hopes up about it.

I don't know now what's going to happen with seems like the past two days I'm being complained about a lot. I know I aggravate some folks...I get manic and talk too much. I try so hard to help, that I end up irritating rather than assisting. I get that. I try to control it, but its getting harder.

Oh well. Screw it. I'll just keep on keeping on, and try to hold it all together. I think I know where some of my meds are...I think I may not be completely out after all. It'll take a couple weeks to start seeing any benefits, but at least it'd be a start.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Drugs? Anyone?

Soooo I'm thinking its beyond time to get back on some medication. I'm doing ok right now...but barely. How do I say this? I'm getting paranoid...beyond belief. I'm imagining things right and left, thinking people are talking/thinking about me...I see/hear/visualize events and conversations, and to be quite honest, I'm not sure if some of them are delusions or if they're real. I just don't know. I don't know what's coming out of my mouth half of the time. I'm not sure of some of the things I've said at work yesterday and today. Have I made sense? Have I sounded like a raving lunatic?

What's wrong with me? Oh yeah, I'm bipolar...and apparently suffering delusions of grandeur. I NEED to be funny. I NEED to be witty. I NEED to be amusing. I NEED to be...wanted.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Father's Day

What a time. We were really worried that Justin's dad was hurt badly yesterday, but it appears that he'll be ok. He's 70, and its so hard to remember that...the man seems immortal. I'd walk through fire for him...he's probably the best man I've ever had the pleasure to know.

I wanted to go see my dad this weekend...but it doesn't look as if that's going to happen. I needed Justin to go with me, and he won't. Its HIS Father's Day too after all, and he doesn't want to go to AR and spend time in a federal prison. I understand...but I haven't seen my dad in 2 years. As soon as he gets back from mowing the church yard, I may go anyway. I specifically got the weekend off so I COULD go and I need to. I miss my daddy...I almost died last year, and he almost died a few weeks ago, and I NEED to see him.

What makes a good father? Is it someone who does everything right? My father in law is that way. Even if he did do something wrong, you'd never know it because he's such...well such a great guy. Is it someone who makes lots of mistakes but is there for you anyway? Sure.

My dad was not a great father...but he's the only one I ever had. Sure I had two stepdads, but not until I was an adult. My dad...he's had his problems...but I was a daddy's girl all the way. Mom shielded me a lot from his more emotional a way, that was worse, because when I grew up, and he'd react a certain way, it was a complete shock to me...a very rude awakening. Still, after his troubles the past few years, he and I grew a lot closer. He finally realized what it meant when I said I was bipolar...when I told him I was depressed...when I told him I felt like I was going crazy and just wanted to be normal. You see, my problems come through him and his mother...but he was always in denial about himself. I remember the day in 2005 when we were talking on the phone, and he was suicidal...and I just opened up and told him exactly how I'd felt all of my adult life. We talked for four hours, and he cried a lot. He felt guilty that he'd underestimated me...disparaged me...because what I was describing made him realize that I was the one person in his family who could 100% understand what he was going through, and he never gave me the credit or the opportunity. Its so sad that just when we were "finding" each other...we were separated.

Justin is a wonderful father. I almost missed him. I remember sitting in my office at work, depressed because I was coming out of a bad relationship...the only real one I'd had since separating from and divorcing my first husband...and I prayed that God would send me a good man who loved Him, who would love my children as if they were his own...would go to church with me...and I kid you not, Justin walked through the door VERY shortly afterwards. He worked in our Jackson office, and I worked in our Hattiesburg office. We talked a little while he worked on my boss's computer, and he promptly asked me to lunch. I wasn't sure if I was expected to pay or not...and I had no money. My lunch was tuna and crackers that day. So I declined. He came in the next day and asked me to lunch again...and again I declined. While he was working on the computers, he'd send me an IM to "test" them, so I had his screenname and he had mine.

A month later, I saw him online, and felt a nudge to IM him. A whirlwind followed...we IM'd the rest of the day at work, and towards the end of the day, he talked me into giving him my home number. We talked late into the night. The next day, we talked all day on IM, and all NIGHT. I kid you not, until 4:30 or 5:00 the next morning. We were both dragging at work. That was a Wednesday. Thursday he was heading to Poplarville to spend the night with his folks and then drive to a conference with Quixtar in Houston with his mom and sister. We made arrangements to meet at the Hattiesburg mall for supper, and spent about 3 hours together. He tried to kiss me a couple times as he was leaving and I kept ducking my head. All the poor boy got was a hug!

The following week was our first official was the last Thursday in March, 2000. We had dinner, and drove around a lot...he took me to Poplarville to his family farm, and wanted me to meet his parents but they weren't home. We had so much fun, and I finally let him kiss me as I was getting ready to get back in my car and go home. To say the earth moved would be an understatement. I came home very confused and with more questions than answers.

Jared's 6th birthday was the following week, and I let him meet Justin. I was very protective of who got to meet my kids. It was love at first sight. Jared IMMEDIATELY wanted to ride in Justin's truck and did NOT want me to go with them. He had so much fun at Justin's family's farm, and all in all was a great day. It was that week at some point that I knew I was in love with Justin. My friend John and I talked about it a lot. I'd "fallen in love" with and married my first husband in a week...I didn't want to think I was making the same mistake again. John was instrumental in convincing me to tell Justin how I felt.

The following weekend was Easter, and my ex had the kids. Justin and I spent the weekend in Jackson, and I told him Friday night that I loved him. He was stunned and I felt like...well like I'd messed up. The next day we went to the Vicksburg National Park...Civil War site...and had so much fun. We explored all day, and he let it slip that he loved me too. It took him completely by surprise when he said it, but he never looked back from that point. That day is one of the best I have memories of...being in love and not being pressured about was just wonderful. We'd been dating a day past 2 weeks.

The following weekend...3 weeks into our relationship, he took me to the coast, to dinner at Red Lobster. We were dressed up, because we were supposed to be going to a Quixtar meeting, but we ran late so decided to have dinner and then walk on the beach instead. He got down on one knee on the beach, pulled a box out of his pocket, and proposed to me, in the moonlight, with my beloved ocean in the background.

It all moved so fast...we were married 4 months later, and while we've had a couple rough spots in our marriage...August will make 7 years, and I've never looked back. God blessed us with Bekah...a miracle if ever there was one. Justin wasn't supposed to be able to have children...and Bekah herself was a twin. We lost the twin around 7-8 weeks gestation, and I went on complete bed rest so I wouldn't lose her too. They were fraternal thankfully. We get mad at each other...and sometimes yell during our fights. We don't go to bed mad, and I honestly believe I'll be married to him until one or both of us dies. We're such complete opposites...and yet I love him more every day that goes by.

How did this Father's Day turn into a walk down memory lane with Justin? Not sure. All I know is that God does answer our prayers...sometimes we miss it, sometimes we're lucky enough to catch it by the skin of our teeth. Justin is a strict man, but he's also a loving and generous man...and never considers himself to be a father of 1. He always talks about "my kids"...not "my stepkids." He loves them as much as he loves Bekah...or if he doesn't quite, you'd never know it by his actions and words. Its really hard on him to share them with my ex-husband, because he feels like they're his children...but he's gracious about it and my kids...all 3 of them...know that if they ever need anything...he's here for them.

Last of all...this Father's Day, we need to remember our Heavenly Father...without whom NOTHING would be possible. I myself forget to be as grateful as I should give thanks as often as I should. I'll be making more of an effort to do so...take more time to pray and read the Bible than I've been doing. God has been so generous with me, and I've been less than the perfect daughter. Its time I worked on that a lot more than I've been doing lately.

Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Found Dr. Jolly...

and he was pretty cool...he last worked at MD Anderson so he's very very familiar with cancer patients, and considers me one even though *I* don't consider myself one. I just feel like I had it so much easier than most...but I digress.

He gave me a script for a new muscle relaxer to try...he was going to prescribe some more pain killers too but I told him I still had plenty left over and didn't want any more in my house until those are gone. I have kids, including a pre-teen and new teen who I don't want to be tempted, no matter how well we're trying to raise them. And honestly, who needs more pain pills when they already have Vicadin, Dilaudid, Morphine, Percoset, Darvocet, Lortab, Talacen, and something else I'm forgetting at the moment. Almost all the bottles are full too, except the Talacen and the Darvocet...those work fairly well so I've used them more than the others...but still, they're over a year old and I haven't used them all yet, nowhere close, so I don't need any more.

They scheduled me for outpatient "surgery" on the 27th...I don't have the name of the procedure in front of me, but he's had some success with it...he'll go in with big-ass needles on each side of my spine and go to the nerve clusters and anesthetize them. There's a more radical way, to use alcohol to burn the nerves, but he said the alcohol isn't selective and could cause other damage, and since I'm in remission, he wants to try the other way first. This is the first step.

The muscle spasms concern him because its something he's never personally seen in the abdomen...and thank you Lord, but one happened while I was there...I yanked my shirt up (after doubling over) and said "LOOK" and he could see my whole abdomen hardening and spasming while I sat there wriggling around and crying. So, there's definite proof that I'm not overreacting and exaggerating. They also checked my blood pressure after it happened and it'd gone through the roof. He said he'll have to do some more research on the spasms, and options we can try.

So...I did feel encouraged...I'm impressed with his medical background, and I liked HIM, as did Justin. Justin also tried to get him to say I couldn't work anymore, and the doctor said just reading the post-operative reports in the system on me and looking at my CT scans and reports, he would be willing to do so, but that he didn't think I wanted that...and I don't. SSI would be nice, but I do NOT want to be...disabled. I feel like I'm probably in more pain because I AM so active with work and all, but I also feel like I'm stronger now than I would be if I were sitting at home feeling sorry for myself. And I WOULD feel sorry for myself if I were here day after day.

Anyway...sorry to ramble. I took one of the new pills just to see how its going to affect me...something called zanaflex. He wants me to take it 3 times a day if it doesn't prevent me from driving or working, but until I see if its going to make me groggy or not (all the labels say it will) I don't want to risk it.

Yes, I'm afraid to take pain pills. That's another story in and of itself. I will take them if I have to, but I hate doing it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Paging Dr. Jolly!

So tomorrow is my much-anticipated appointment with the pain specialist at Ochsner. His name totally cracks me up! This is the guy who's going to hopefully be able to do something with my pain, maybe give me more pain pills (that I don't want or need since I still have so many), and he's named Dr. Jolly. Hee hee. It still makes me smile.

Please pray that this will give me some relief. I need to start sleeping soon. I'm not a nice person at all lately. Work is taking every drop of niceness left in my body, and its getting harder and harder to smile throughout the day at work.

So yeah, I have high hopes for Dr. Jolly, but am trying not to anticipate it TOO much, for fear that I'll just be disappointed yet again. We'll see what we shall see.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Electrifying Experience--Part 2

Yep, it happened again. A couple tried to steal a TV from Wal-Mart today. The woman tried to escape through the TLE department with it, where her male cohort was circling the parking lot in a van. When pursued, she tried to jump through the window of the van, but was tazered in the process, causing her to eat pavement. The guy decides to try to escape past the police car that was blocking the entrance into the side-lot where TLE is, and instead crumpled the front of his van and the side panel of the police car.

I can't wait for this to hit the was a funny day. When will people learn? I mean honestly, is it REALLY worth the risk??

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Audubon Zoo

On Memorial Day, Justin took the kids and me to The Audubon Zoo. We had a lot of fun and I got to try out my new digital camera. However, the pictures were so many, and so large, that I never could get them uploaded on our dialup connection. But...we got WildBlue satellite internet Friday...and while I can't play WoW on it (bummer, cause we're probably going to cancel the house phone) our speeds are SO much better.

So I uploaded most of the decent pics here. Well these are of the family. I'll make another sub-album for the animals...and another for the flora and fauna pics I took. I took WAY too many of those...but I just had to try out my new camera right? Some of the pictures could definitely be better, because I didn't figure out the auto-focus feature until we were about halfway through the zoo *blush*.

But hey, we had fun, right? Here are a couple of my favorite pics of the family:

Friday, June 08, 2007

CSM Interview

I was interviewed today for CSM (Customer Service Manager). It went really well, and I should hopefully be a CSM within a month at the longest. Dara was a CSM at the old store, so she has seniority over me...but they'll be hiring a total of 3 CSMs, so its all good.

The problem is that its strictly a part-time position. I can't afford to drop below 30 hours a week...and if I'm going to work 5 days, and have less hours each of those days, I'll be spending the same amount of money on gas for what amounts to a pay-cut, not a pay-raise. However, if I can get all my time in on 4 days, then it won't be so bad. Hopefully it'll turn into full-time even though they say right now that there will be no more full-time CSM positions.

We'll see what we'll see...

Wild Blue

Well Justin got us hooked up with Wild Blue today. The good news...I can go anywhere in the house and outside with my laptop and have a fast internet connection. The bad news...WoW doesn't play well on it at ALL, despite the assurances of the sales rep that his son played on it better than on dialup. NOPE. Still, Justin needs the faster connection for work, and if we can't have this AND Bellsouth, its bye bye dialup and limited WoW playing for me. I'll be unhappy, but I'll live :)

About Justin's work...they finally got the server problem fixed Monday and he's sleeping better now. WHEW.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Movie Review - The Last Unicorn DVD release

I saw this movie in theaters back in 1982 or so, whenever it was released. I remember it was the early 80's, because I met my best friend Phyllis in 3rd period English class on the 1st day of school in 7th grade, and that was in 1981. We saw the movie together. We loved was very strange compared to other animated features we'd seen at the time, but we loved it nonetheless.

Until the DVD release, I was unaware it was based on an actual book. I'm definitely going to be getting a copy of the book to read.

Regardless, the DVD release itself was extremely disappointing to me. The movie is ONLY available in full-screen, not a wide-screen format, which I much prefer, and which the movie deserves. The quality of the images themselves doesn't seem to be as sharp as my VHS version was (it bit the dust in my house fire in 1999). The menu is pathetic, and the special features aren't really very special at all, although I enjoyed the commentary from author Peter S. Beagle VERY much.

Now. The movie itself...I don't recommend it for the average small child...I was concerned about Bekah watching it at 4 1/2, but I'd forgotten some of the elements when I bought it, and let her watch it. She enjoyed it and loves watching it repeatedly, but some of the themes can be disturbing for a small child.

The movie is a little disjointed...the dialogue is rapid and includes a LOT of run-on sentences, or so it appears due to the quickness. This causes a feeling of being rushed, as if they were trying to cram too much into too little space, and perhaps time was an issue when the movie was first made. It doesn't ruin the movie, if anything it makes it somewhat unique...but it does irritate me a little. However, all three of my kids love it, and its a great work of literature, and now the older two are wanting to read the book also, so hey, that's something!

The story line itself is very strong, and I love the understory with Molly and Schmendrick. You're left wondering what will happen to Prince Lir, and how Molly and Schmendrick's lives will turn out.

If you've never seen this movie, I highly recommend it, but don't expect Disney quality animation. The animation is very simplified, which in turn gives you more of a chance to focus on the excellent storyline. The soundtrack is performed by America...VERY nice.

If you have small kids, you may wish to watch the movie first without them, but depending on the level your child can handle, it may end up becoming a new family favorite (or an old favorite in my case).

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Reverse Discrimination

Living in the south, I've often witnessed this, but never in a REAL personal way. Sure, I've been called names, accused of being a racist, various other things, usually by black people. But today topped the cake.

I was treated very nastily today. I was taken aback, because I've never done anything TO this person, never talked bad about them, I've often said hello to them, and was confused because I was glared at or outright ignored. The whole situation has been strange, but because I rarely work with this person, I rarely thought a whole lot about it, and just chalked it up to them having a bad day.

Today, after a couple nasty incidents that rubbed me the wrong way, it got even worse, and I finally confronted said person. "What have I done to piss you off?"..."Nothing."..."Then why are you so nasty to me?"..."Because you're white."..."Excuse me??"..."Because you're white and you think everything should be for you."..."I do???"..."All whites do. All ya'll do is keep us down...look at what happened after The Storm...white America only cares about white America." My response...after a moment of slack-jawed shock? "I'm so sorry for you. Nothing I can say can remove your hatred, and you must be very unhappy." I walked away to the tune of "White bitch" ringing in my ears.

Should I report it? Probably. Will I? No. What purpose would it serve? I'm going to TRY to put it behind me, not an easy thing to do considering how empathetic and paranoid I am, but I'm going to try my best. I've done nothing wrong...I'd say 98% of the blacks in our store like me (that know me). I have a history of racism in my family in the worst way, and maybe if I'm guilty of anything, its trying too hard NOT to be a racist. Does that in turn make me a racist? Maybe...its something I'll have to think about in depth.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

He's coming around...

The cat is still inside for now. I've been keeping her in the utility room at night and whenever I'm gone, but I've been taking her out when I'm here and letting her play with me in the recliner. Justin shoots mean looks at her now and then, but he hasn't said anything else...yet. Today he was needing to get clothes out of the dryer and asked if he "could let the cat out" so that's progress.

Oh she has a name now. Bekah heard me calling her..."Here Kittykittykitty" and she tried to call her..."Here kikikikiki"...I asked her if she was trying to say "kitty" and she said yes, and said "kitty"...but then I asked if she wanted to call her Kiki and she got ALL excited. So Kiki it is. It suits her little personality too.

We've discovered a "tickle spot". If she's laying on her left side, and you scratch just behind her right ear, JUST so...she kicks her right hind paw and its soooo funny. I've had dogs do that, but never a cat.

So far we've had no accidents, but then, I've left her in her room with the litter box when she's not under constant observation. I figure to lock her up another couple weeks, and then start letting her roam free little by little. There can be NO accidents anywhere in the house, or Justin will go ballistic.

This is the prettiest cat I've ever had. I'm not thrilled that she looks like she's going to have long fur, but oh well. I'll just have to keep her well-brushed.

On to something else...Justin. I'm worried about him. They had server trouble this week while trying to implement a change, and he had to work late Tuesday I think it he figured he'd only have to work a couple hours Friday. Friday they tried the server change again, and it crashed the entire network. So he didn't get home until after 10 Friday night, and was back yesterday until 8 or 9 last night. He's planning on going back this afternoon. He's not sleeping well at all the last couple nights, and he looks terrible. Well, not terrible as in ugly, but terrible around his eyes. He has an exhausted look about him. I've discovered that I've really missed him the past couple nights. I've been counting on him to be here for me at night, and I hadn't realized just how much I've come to rely on him. Just knowing he's here in the house or out in the yard gives me comfort. When he's not around, I'm actually jumpy. I haven't figured that one out yet. Quite possibly it has something to do with almost dying last year and coming to grips with different things, but I'm not sure. Then too it could just be the bipolar rearing its ugly head. I really should be back on my meds.

Anyway. Enough for now. I didn't get on WoW at all yesterday and I'm feeling the need to quest.