Monday, June 25, 2007

If you died right now...

would you got to Heaven or to Hell?

I'm reading "Left Behind" for the first time. I'm only 12 years behind the times there. Still, I'm about halfway through it and its very difficult to put it down. It reads a lot like John Grisham.

It scares the crap out of me.

God blessed me last year. He saved my life and gave me...not a second chance...but my umpteenth chance. I really started trying to turn my life around. I love God, I've accepted Jesus as my personal savior...I believe he was born of a virgin, walked in sinless perfection for 33 years on this earth, was persecuted and executed, and laid to rest in a tomb, only to rise from the dead in 3 days. I know that he died for our sins, and I've accepted this.

If the Rapture happened tomorrow...would I be taken? Or would I be left behind? I don't want to be left behind...but I'm not secure in my faith.

Please pray for me.

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