Sunday, June 03, 2007

He's coming around...

The cat is still inside for now. I've been keeping her in the utility room at night and whenever I'm gone, but I've been taking her out when I'm here and letting her play with me in the recliner. Justin shoots mean looks at her now and then, but he hasn't said anything else...yet. Today he was needing to get clothes out of the dryer and asked if he "could let the cat out" so that's progress.

Oh she has a name now. Bekah heard me calling her..."Here Kittykittykitty" and she tried to call her..."Here kikikikiki"...I asked her if she was trying to say "kitty" and she said yes, and said "kitty"...but then I asked if she wanted to call her Kiki and she got ALL excited. So Kiki it is. It suits her little personality too.

We've discovered a "tickle spot". If she's laying on her left side, and you scratch just behind her right ear, JUST so...she kicks her right hind paw and its soooo funny. I've had dogs do that, but never a cat.

So far we've had no accidents, but then, I've left her in her room with the litter box when she's not under constant observation. I figure to lock her up another couple weeks, and then start letting her roam free little by little. There can be NO accidents anywhere in the house, or Justin will go ballistic.

This is the prettiest cat I've ever had. I'm not thrilled that she looks like she's going to have long fur, but oh well. I'll just have to keep her well-brushed.

On to something else...Justin. I'm worried about him. They had server trouble this week while trying to implement a change, and he had to work late Tuesday I think it he figured he'd only have to work a couple hours Friday. Friday they tried the server change again, and it crashed the entire network. So he didn't get home until after 10 Friday night, and was back yesterday until 8 or 9 last night. He's planning on going back this afternoon. He's not sleeping well at all the last couple nights, and he looks terrible. Well, not terrible as in ugly, but terrible around his eyes. He has an exhausted look about him. I've discovered that I've really missed him the past couple nights. I've been counting on him to be here for me at night, and I hadn't realized just how much I've come to rely on him. Just knowing he's here in the house or out in the yard gives me comfort. When he's not around, I'm actually jumpy. I haven't figured that one out yet. Quite possibly it has something to do with almost dying last year and coming to grips with different things, but I'm not sure. Then too it could just be the bipolar rearing its ugly head. I really should be back on my meds.

Anyway. Enough for now. I didn't get on WoW at all yesterday and I'm feeling the need to quest.


carrie said...

Kandy girl....praying for ya'll right now!!! I think Kiki is a sweet name!!!

©Jac said...

What a pretty little thing!
How funny about the timing! We just got a new kitten too, which ironically my DH was also not thrilled with (at first), and I blogged about it!

I hope Jason gets a chance to rest up!

©Jac said...

I just noticed that we got them on the same day too!