Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Drugs? Anyone?

Soooo I'm thinking its beyond time to get back on some medication. I'm doing ok right now...but barely. How do I say this? I'm getting paranoid...beyond belief. I'm imagining things right and left, thinking people are talking/thinking about me...I see/hear/visualize events and conversations, and to be quite honest, I'm not sure if some of them are delusions or if they're real. I just don't know. I don't know what's coming out of my mouth half of the time. I'm not sure of some of the things I've said at work yesterday and today. Have I made sense? Have I sounded like a raving lunatic?

What's wrong with me? Oh yeah, I'm bipolar...and apparently suffering delusions of grandeur. I NEED to be funny. I NEED to be witty. I NEED to be amusing. I NEED to be...wanted.


Megan said...

Oh Kandy, I hope that you can see a doc quickly and get the help you need.

You are funny, and wanted and needed.

Many hugs and prayers.


carrie said...

Oh Kandy girl...I'm there with you...I just was in today to see my doctor who put me on some anxiety stuff...it's getting horrid...I almost left the grocery store the other day, without my cart full of groceries...I didn't think I could handle the checkout lanes...