Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lions and Tigers and Bears...OH MY!

OK well not quite. But, the last couple days at work have been interesting, to say the least.

Yesterday I was in Money Center, and I jumped onto a register to help out because we were shorthanded and lines were backing up. I thought I smelled something, and then was sure I did, and then the fire alarm went off. My customer was mad because I wouldn't let her check out and instead ushered her out of the store. We had a lot of people trying to take fully-loaded shopping carts out of the store..."But I NEED this stuff!"...without paying for it. This all happened right before I was to clock out for lunch, so I was fortunate...I basically got an hour and 45 minute lunch break. Several fire trucks came, and we saw our store manager up on the roof (and yes, there were a few shouts of "Jump!" from some wisecrackers). The situation? An A/C unit on the roof started burning its coil. Even though there was no actual fire, the customer service and accounting offices filled with smoke, and the fumes were bad enough that my breathing suffered the rest of the day. Apparently last night, the A/C unit caught on fire, according to the night crew I talked to when I came in this morning. I guess the management didn't learn its lesson from yesterday's "drill".

This morning I came in, and the power was out all over the street lights, no traffic signals, nothing. Our store was closed, but employees were still working. The freezers and coolers were wrapped in plastic to help preserve the food, and they were just about to call a refrigerated truck when the power came back on. It was off about 3 1/2 hours. Not sure what exactly happened there.

A couple hours after the store got power back, the grocery side door greeter had a heart attack. I haven't gotten any more info on her...and I sure hope she's ok. She's really nice.

After THAT our MoneyGram and Money Order system in our registers started malfunctioning, and we couldn't do those for a few hours. We had QUITE A FEW upset customers over that one, let me tell you.

I wonder what excitement I'll find when I go in at 5:30 in the morning...its never a dull day at Wal-Mart!

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