Monday, August 28, 2006

Just rambling...

I just didn't feel like posting this weekend. I didn't even post much at all on my board. I'm not sure if its the meds or what, but I just am not caring about much of anything right now. I do know that I forgot my meds Friday night, and yesterday was rough on was just like starting my meds all over from the beginning again. The shaky vision, nausea, sleepiness, etc. I repeat, "They wonder why we go off our meds..."

AF showed up yesterday morning. Yay. I want to be happy but I'm wishing it was Friday already LOL. Cramping is ok, not as bad as in the past, but the migraine...oy. The migraine hurts.

I miss my dad. I alternate between missing him and hating him. I don't want to hate him...he's my DAD. At the same time, I can never forgive him. Dad is another story...a long one. Suffice it to say he's in prison and I don't know if I'll ever post why because theoretically it could jeopardize his safety. He'll be 62 this November. Wow. I do miss him. This sucks.

I may go back to work soon. Jason said my job was waiting for me...I feel like I'm ready to go back, although I've gotten spoiled somewhat from being able to stay home. I think Justin doesn't really want me to go back...he's gotten used to his breakfast each morning and having supper each night, and I think he thinks all that will stop once I go back to work. It might, but I'm hoping that I continue with this change that has happened to me since being in the hospital.

Another hurricane is coming into the Gulf. I'm sorry for FL, but grateful that Ernesto is going to hit them and not us. We are still recovering from Katrina...I don't know how much more my trailer can take...its been through several hurricanes since we got it in 2002, and two of them were significant storms. Katrina I'm still amazed that my trailer made it through. We lost so many trees all around it, but the trailer made it. Amazing.

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